HELLIER Vail Williams

Commercial Industrial Property in Eastleigh SO50

Unit 3, St Georges Industrial Estate, Goodwood Road, Eastleigh, SO50 4NT

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Commercial Industrial Property Details

Property Size: 13204 Sqft / 1,226.7 Sqm
Property Lease Type: LH - Leasehold
Eaves: 20'
Price/Rent: £/Sqft: 11.00
EPC Certificate: Property Description:
Refurbished End of Terrace Industrial/warehouse Unit with 1st Floor Office with Secure Yard and Parking

Unit 3, St Georges Industrial Estate, Goodwood Road, Eastleigh, SO50 4NT

Property Agent Details

Agent: Email: Tel:
Hellier Langston
023 8202 2111
Joint Agent:  Lambert Smith Hampton
Tel:  023 8033 0041

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Hellier Langston

Matthew Poplett, Agency Director

Jason Webb, Agency Director

Guy Jones, Professional Director

T:023 8202 2111
W: www.hlp.co.uk
Enterprise House, Ocean Village, Ocean Way, Southampton, SO14 3XB
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