One Crown Square Sorbon

Commercial Industrial Property in Outside Region NW9

Unit 18, Garrick Industrial Estate, Irving Way, London, Outside Region, NW9 6AQ

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Commercial Industrial Property Details

Property Size: 15400 Sqft / 1,430.7 Sqm
Property Lease Type: LH - Leasehold
Eaves: 6.2-7.35m
Price/Rent: £/Sqft: poa
EPC Certificate: Property Description:
W'hse/Ind Unit with Office, Ldg Area, CP, Trade Counter Potential, To Be Ref

Unit 18, Garrick Industrial Estate, Irving Way, London, Outside Region, NW9 6AQ

Property Agent Details

Agent: Email:

Joint Agent:  Grant Mills Wood
Tel:  020 7629 8501

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