Commercial Office Property in WC2 WC2B

65 Kingsway, Covent Garden, WC2B 6TD

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Commercial Office Property Details

Property Size: Various Sqft / Various Sqm
Property Lease Type: LH - Leasehold
Floor Level: G-4
Price/Rent: £/Sqft: 67.50
EPC Certificate: Property Features:
Grade A Refurb'd Grade II Listed Bldg
Grand Reception
AC - Air Conditioning
Lift - Lift(s)
RF. Fr 2530-37764 sq ft

65 Kingsway, Covent Garden, WC2B 6TD

Property Agent Details

Agent: Email: Tel:
Monmouth Dean
020 7025 1390
Joint Agent:  Gerald Eve
Tel:  020 7493 3338

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Monmouth Dean

Rhys Evans

Jason Hanley

Paul Dart

T:020 7025 1390
W: www.monmouthdean.com
10 Golden Square, London, W1F 9JA
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